Why do we Need Ethics while having Laws to Protect People’s Rights


  • Tamar SHIOSHVILI International Black Sea University


Ethics is the study of alternatives people make regarding right and wrong. Each of us makes a lot of moral choices daily, whether to follow project protocol, or break it; respond to a colleague’s question sincerely or make believe; obey the speed laws or drive as fast as the car will go; pay the tuition fee or spend money on traveling; keep the marriage vows or break them.

Keywords: Ethicist, reasons, moral



Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

SHIOSHVILI, T. (2024). Why do we Need Ethics while having Laws to Protect People’s Rights. Journal in Humanities, 13(1). Geliş tarihi gönderen https://jh.ibsu.edu.ge/jms/index.php/SJH/article/view/534