From Sanctions to the JCPOA: Russian Foreign Policy towards Iran


  • Irina BAKHTADZE International Black Sea University



The nuclear deal between Iran and the P5 + 1 countries is an important political event at the regional and even international levels
that could overshadow Iran's relations with many governments. This event, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, is a
historical agreement that has provoked many countries' reactions, especially the great powers of the international system. Given
Russia's direct presence in the Iranian nuclear case and its unique role as one of the five permanent members of the UN Security
Council in proceeding with this case, this descriptive-analytical article examines Russia's policies and orientations towards the nuclear deal.
The main question of this article is what approach has Russia taken to the Iran nuclear deal and what has been its orientation towardsIran in the post-JCPOA period and during the recent Vienna negotiations?
While optimistic about the nuclear deal, it is hypothesized that Russia maintains its economic and political position and interests bothin Iran and in the regional and global arenas, with a pragmatic and cautious approach to bilateral and multilateral cooperation withIran, and therefore has developed its relations in various dimensions with that state.
The theoretical foundations related to the foreign policy orientation of governments and economic sanctions will be first analyzed
within this article, and then Russia's policy toward the Iranian nuclear deal and the factors influencing its formation will be examined.



Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

BAKHTADZE, I. (2022). From Sanctions to the JCPOA: Russian Foreign Policy towards Iran. Journal in Humanities, 11(2).