Georgia- USA Political Relations under President Donald Trump Administration in 2017


  • Marine CHANGIANI Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University



This article gives the analysis of the consequences of formal visits and meetings of Georgian officials with President Donald Trump, his administration
and other U.S. officials. It reviews significant documents and bills signed between the USA and Georgia in 2017.
The main issues of state visits and meetings are chronologically described using official information published on websites of Ministries of Georgia
and the Department of States.
It is an attempt to show through formal visits how political activities and involvement of officials in global processes can bring positive results to the
country and how significant it is for Georgia to keep the strategic partnership with US and deepen it under any administrations. Simultaneously, the
facts described in the paper prove again that US keeps supporting Georgia as one of the loyal partners in the South Caucausus and also keeps its
geopolitical interest in the region.
Keywords: Formal visits, new administration, occupation, strategic partner, territorial integrity



Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

CHANGIANI, M. (2021). Georgia- USA Political Relations under President Donald Trump Administration in 2017. Journal in Humanities, 10(1), 8–14.