The Universe of Meaning of the Time Metaphors in Tanpinar’s Novel, A Mind at Peace (Huzur)


  • Sinem ATIS



Although Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar, one of the contemporary authors of Turkish Literature, had not been discovered by the people in his age, he is one of the writers who is studied
most today. Among the author’s works written in different genres, the most famous one is his novel Huzur. Huzur draws attention not only for its content but also for its literary
style. Metaphors add beauty to the literary style and are one of the methods the authors use in order to transfer their ideas through powerful words rather than simple language.
Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar communicates his ideas to the reader through disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, and sociology. He articulates what he would like to deliver
through metaphors. Therefore, a discourse analysis of Tanpinar’s Huzur reveals the fact that metaphors are one of the top methods he frequently used to add literary aesthetic
value to his novel. In this study, time metaphors used in Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar’s novel, A Mind at Peace, will be examined. The meanings that Tanpinar attributed to time and time concepts will
be addressed.
Keywords: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar, a Mind at Peace, Huzur, metaphor, time



Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

ATIS, S. (2019). The Universe of Meaning of the Time Metaphors in Tanpinar’s Novel, A Mind at Peace (Huzur). Journal in Humanities, 7(1), 7–11.