An Individual Sense of Self among American Women and Motherhood





It’s not difficult to observe American women’s strong confidence in an individual sense
of self that they have worked out after 1970s, and has become even stronger after
1990s. The foundation for that is great progress, reached in women’s lives in terms of
education – girls education is in much better place, more women are being elected to
political platform, economically women are participating in more significant ways than
modern women’s mothers or grandmothers. Microcredit, for example having a transformative
impact, has lifted up the poorest of the poor and created livelihoods, so people
can sustain themselves and their families. U.S. women are in the paid workforce than
ever before, including 70 percent of mothers. Many women employed outside the home
carry the main responsibility for housework and raising children and have very little time
for themselves. So, the new type of a busy American woman with a strong individual
sense of self may also find life stressful. About three million women in the United States
provide assistance to family members who are sick or disabled, and over ten million
women provide care to people and their husband’s elderly parents. This caretaking may
overlap with the women’s other obligations – holding jobs, taking care of growing children
and managing households. This regimen involves physical and emotional stress
and can affect their quality of life. These women may be reluctant time by time, but accept
their situation as being a good wife or daughter. It is crucial to realize that women
who care for others need respite.



Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

SHIOSHVILI, T. (2018). An Individual Sense of Self among American Women and Motherhood. Journal in Humanities, 6(2), 51–53.


