Foreign Policy-Making Processes in 20-21st Centuries: Theoretical and Practical Background on the Example of the USA


  • Eka BERAIA



The purpose of this article is to highlight the main changes of the foreign policy of the
U.S .and notably the implication of shifts in the foreign policy decision making process.
American foreign policy has not been changed for years as it still means protection of
homeland, American citizens, and their friends all around the world. But what has been
changed is obvious- it is American foreign policy making process. According to environmental
changes the policy making process is also derived from one dimension into
another. The Cold War has the dominating influence on the American experience not
only in a military but also in a political sense. The second traumatic event–September
11, 2011called for immediate combating international terrorism. Realizing what are the
traces, the past had left it is crucial to understand how the United States will respond
to the future.
How does the environmental change affect policy and approaches? How do domestic
factors impact on foreign policy making? The paper will focus on the political system of
the U.S. and its implications toward foreign-policy making provisions, the key members
of the foreign policy team players, the missions and goals of the USA government in
foreign-policy decision making process.



Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

BERAIA, E. (2018). Foreign Policy-Making Processes in 20-21st Centuries: Theoretical and Practical Background on the Example of the USA. Journal in Humanities, 6(2), 17–21.


