Native Americans: Understanding Climate Change Impacts


  • Tea Chumburidze Mrs. Chumburidze has graduated from International Black Sea University, Faculty of Education and Humanities, major in American Studies. She has obtained her MA degree in U.S. Foreign Affairs at the same university. Currently she is a Ph.D. Candidate of the Faculty of Education and Humanities, Direction of American Studies at IBSU. She works as a Study Process Administrator of the same faculty and delivers courses on American History.


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Alaska Natives- Climate Change- environment- Native Americans- weather events


Climate change is affecting the planet, societies and will continue to do so for generations to come. Differences in how regions are affected by varying degrees of warming, precipitation and changes in animal and plant species are likely to get even more extreme as climate change continues. Nowadays, Native Americans are experiencing the effects of dislocation and food shortages, which they attribute to the Climate Change. The article aims to elaborate the impact of the Climate Change on Native American communities, particularly, the research examines the basis for Native Nations to consider
how they may be affected by changes in climate and extreme measures they can take in order to proactively address those impacts.



Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Chumburidze, T. (2017). Native Americans: Understanding Climate Change Impacts. Journal in Humanities, 5(2), 22–25.


