Using Text to Speech Software in Teaching Turkish for Foreigners: The Effects of Text to Speech Software on Reading and Comprehension Abilities of African Students


  • Bekir GUCLU Canik Basari University
  • Sinan IGIT Fatih University


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Reading Comprehension- Turkish for Foreigners- Text to Speech- Language Teaching


In this study we will examine TTS software and its effectiveness on Reading Comprehension in teaching Turkish Language for foreigners.
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) has started with the advent of computers and related software. After the dominance of English as a global language, many people became interested in learning English individually thus Language learning softwares emerged as a self-aid for learners. As the computer technology progressed, it has given opportunity for learners to develop language skills using computer. Text to speech software is the latest development of computer technology which is applicable at communication sector such as call centers, talking watches and mobile phones but it has made a big impact on language learning as well. TTS enables learners of the language to practice on reading passages at their own pace without teacher and social pressure. The experiment showed that using a Text to Speech Software in Turkish Language has some drawbacks but still effective for learners.

Yazar Biyografileri

Bekir GUCLU, Canik Basari University

International Relation Office

Sinan IGIT, Fatih University




Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

GUCLU, B., & IGIT, S. (2016). Using Text to Speech Software in Teaching Turkish for Foreigners: The Effects of Text to Speech Software on Reading and Comprehension Abilities of African Students. Journal in Humanities, 4(2), 31–33.


