The US Role in Maturing Democracy in Georgia during the Pre-Election Period and After Parliamentary Elections of October 2012


  • Tamta Tskitishvili International Black Sea University


Anahtar Kelimeler:

democracy- Georgia- parliamentary elections


After the parliamentary elections in Georgia in October 1, 2012, when the oppositional coalition named “Georgian Dream” ledby Bidzina Ivanishvili, current prime minister of Georgia came to power with the significant majority, the whole world started to talkabout the “Litmus Test” that Georgia passed with success in building its democracy. It was the first time in the history of independentGeorgia when acting government was replaced with the opposition without revolutions and war. President Mikheil Saakashvili andhis United National Movement party became an opposition and commenced to act in “cohabitation” with the acting government.Prime Minister Ivanishvili and his political team express their willingness to maintain the Euro-Atlantic course but at the sametime underline the importance of regulating tensed relations and reestablish diplomatic ties with Russia. President Saakashvili andhis followers blame existing government of being Russian-oriented and express their fairs that Ivanishvili’s government is leadingthe country back to the “dark and cold 1990s” and back to the Russian rule.1) Is Georgia really maintaining its western oriented course?2) Will Georgia-US relations remain as ideal as they were during Saakashvili’s presidency? 

Yazar Biyografisi

Tamta Tskitishvili, International Black Sea University

Ph.D. Candidate 

Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Tskitishvili, T. (2014). The US Role in Maturing Democracy in Georgia during the Pre-Election Period and After Parliamentary Elections of October 2012. Journal in Humanities, 2(1), 49–51.


