The Increase of Women’s Role with Higher Education in the Economy of the US and Georgia


  • Irina BAKHTADZE International Black Sea University
  • Elene Shengelia Graduate of the Faculty of Education and Humanities, Direction of American Studies, International Black Sea University


Anahtar Kelimeler:

gender equality- gender studies departments- Georgian women with higher education survey results- history of women’s higher education in America and Georgia- women and higher education- women’s role in the growth of economy- women and employment


Over the past two decades, American women’s positions and opportunities in the educational sphere have improved dramatically which gave women a chance to make a substantial educational progress. The university education gave personal advancement to American women to be extensively involved in social, political, and economic success of the country. University education is associated with better labor market outcomes including higher earnings, lower poverty and lower unemployment. In addition, education is linked to various other benefits including higher job satisfaction, better marginal benefits, and better health. Understanding the relationship between educational attainment and employment outcomes requires accurate data about identifications that have value in the job market.

Yazar Biyografisi

Irina BAKHTADZE, International Black Sea University

An associate professor of the Faculty of Humanities



Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

BAKHTADZE, I., & Shengelia, E. (2015). The Increase of Women’s Role with Higher Education in the Economy of the US and Georgia. Journal in Humanities, 3(2), 5–13.


