Archetypes of Jung as an Effective Tool of the Adoption Concept in the Political PR and Marketing Explaining Ongoing Rivalry between Candidates to Presidency


  • Kakhaber Djakeli Faculty of Business Managment, International Black Sea University, Tbilisi, Georgia


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Archetypes- political brands- political marketing


“The communication of ideas between individuals and any resultant adoption of those ideas is a complex mechanism”. (Wills& Midgley, 1973, p. 77) Rogers defined five stages for every individual in an adoption process. But how well this famous fivestages of Rogers work in political marketing? What sharpens the process to move from awareness to interest in political market?Why does people’s awareness not always turn into the interest? What makes people to be more involved into the activitiesof some political brand? The possible answer – good archetypes for their owners make easy the success of the political personon political market. Archetypes of Carl Gustav Jung can be interesting tool in political Branding. Archetypes can work well asa desired positioning for many brands in political markets. By archetype development we can discuss success and failure ofsome political brands. This concept is linked to brand equity too. To make brand strong marketers have the famous CustomerBased Brand Equity model (CBBE). In this model everything is seen from the view of consumers. “Two fundamentally importantquestions marketers facing are: What do different brands mean to consumers? And how does the brand knowledge ofconsumers affect their response to marketing activity? The basic premise of the CBBE model is that the power of brand lies inwhat customers have learned, felt, seen, and heard about the brand, as a result of their experiences over time. In other words,the power of brand lies in what resides in the minds of customers”. (Keller, 2011, p. 71)From the view of Customer Based Brand Equity model, it is seen that brand knowledge is the key to creating brandequity; hence brand knowledge establishes difference between products, services, ideas, persons. The Brand Knowledge isstanding on two legs, or two main components: Brand Awareness and Brand Image.

Yazar Biyografisi

Kakhaber Djakeli, Faculty of Business Managment, International Black Sea University, Tbilisi, Georgia

Associate professor, Faculty of Business Managment, International Black Sea University, Tbilisi, Georgia

Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Djakeli, K. (2014). Archetypes of Jung as an Effective Tool of the Adoption Concept in the Political PR and Marketing Explaining Ongoing Rivalry between Candidates to Presidency. Journal in Humanities, 2(2), 25–31.


