Continuum of Cross-Cultural Adjustment as a Result of American Studies Exchange Program


  • Tamar Shioshvili International Black Sea University


Anahtar Kelimeler:

culture shock- reverse culture shock- cope- social environment- physical environment- cross-cultural continuum- enclosure


The article considers culture shock and reverse shock, or reentry-transition stress among Georgian exchange students of theInternational Black Sea University American Studies department, who are back to Georgia after their stay in Washington Universityin St. Louis, U.S. Cross-cultural experience stirs up the settled subjectivity, constituted through dominant culture. The transnationalcondition orients it to the other enclosure, the other nation, and the elusive character of the cross-cultural visitor’s condition is emanated.Itcreatesaconsciousnessthatexistswhereitisnot.Itseeksfulfillmentinbeingelsewhere.Wehavemadeupacontinuum
withAmericansat home, in Georgia,visiting the U.S., and coming back to Georgia.As for the intensity of culture shock, or reverse culture shock, there is no formula which is best to orient visitors, as each of usexperiences different intensity of shock and develops individualistic coping strategies.

Yazar Biyografisi

Tamar Shioshvili, International Black Sea University

Dean of the Faculty of Education and Humanities

Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Shioshvili, T. (2014). Continuum of Cross-Cultural Adjustment as a Result of American Studies Exchange Program. Journal in Humanities, 2(1), 5–9.


