(Cosmic) War on Terror: Psychological Perspectives on Terrorism


  • Tea Chumburidze International Black Sea University
  • Givi AMAGLOBELI Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University



Anahtar Kelimeler:

War or Terror- causes of terror- Clash of Civilizations- East vs. West


The purpose of our research is to elaborate and understand the causes of terrorism. In a global international arenaa central conflict existsbetween the West (U.S.) and the East (Arab World). It is necessary to analyze the issue of terrorism within this context of conflict betweenthe West vs. East.Samuel Huntington’s famous thesis, Clash of Civilizations, defines the basis and preconditions of terrorism. It is within this context thatwe discuss the topic of terrorism.Equally important is providing basic information about the history of terrorism, its origins, and identifying the motives, psychologicalcircumstances, and environmental conditions. This provides the framework to understand how terrorists’ strategies are formulated.We examine the term “War on Terror” and its logical consequences; the perception of the other party (of conflict) and try to define religiousunderpinnings of the conflict and the psychological makeup of a terrorist organization.

Yazar Biyografileri

Tea Chumburidze, International Black Sea University

MA Student

Givi AMAGLOBELI, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

Doctoral Candidate

Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Chumburidze, T., & AMAGLOBELI, G. (2013). (Cosmic) War on Terror: Psychological Perspectives on Terrorism. Journal in Humanities, 1(2), 25–28. https://doi.org/10.31578/hum.v1i2.255


