A Brief Overview of the Foreign Policy Decision Making Team in the Reagan Administration


  • Gigi TSIKLAURI International Black Sea University




This article describes the Reagan Administration and its key figures dealing with foreign policy, their personalities, interaction with each other, and impact on the overall foreign
policy decision making. The Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, National Security Advisor, and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency played key roles in formulating
and implementing the foreign policy in the Reagan years. President Reagan entered the White House without a clear foreign policy strategy, but determined to move foreign policy
advising out of the White House and back to the State Department while at the same time keeping overall control of foreign policy decision making in the NSC.
Keywords: Administration, foreign policy decision-making, Reagan, Shultz, Weinberger




How to Cite

TSIKLAURI, G. (2019). A Brief Overview of the Foreign Policy Decision Making Team in the Reagan Administration. Journal in Humanities, 7(2), 55–57. https://doi.org/10.31578/hum.v7i2.381