Journal in Humanities 2024-06-18T10:29:48+04:00 Tea Chumburidze Open Journal Systems Right to Education (Children with Disabilities) 2024-06-13T15:43:24+04:00 Niko TATULASHVILI Ilona CHUKHUA <p>All people have rights and freedoms, recognized by number of international agreements, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and subsequent treaties. Protection and promotion of human rights is the main task for all the states who are members of the United Nations. Despite the progress achieved throughout decades, it is necessary to continue consistent work in order, to further advance human rights protection in the world.<br>The following papers focuses on the rights of the most vulnerable in our society – people with disabilities. While it is equally important for everyone within the society to realize their rights, it is even more so for persons with disabilities, who are often at risk to experience multiple forms intersectional discrimination. In order to achieve their goals, it is essential for the persons with disabilities to receive proper education, which is naturally followed by a decent job and full realization of their potential. With this on mind the paper emphasizes once again the importance of the inclusive education and the practical challenges that might arise for the states to provide proper inclusive education for all within their jurisdictions.<br>The following paper studies, observes, and identifies the legal framework of the right to education of children with disabilities and existing results according to Europe, the UN, the USA, and Georgia.<br><strong>Keywords:</strong> Right to education, Europe, CRPD, Georgia, USA, children with disabilities, inclusion</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal in Humanities Why do we Need Ethics while having Laws to Protect People’s Rights 2024-06-18T10:29:48+04:00 Tamar SHIOSHVILI <p>Ethics is the study of alternatives people make regarding right and wrong. Each of us makes a lot of moral choices daily, whether to follow project protocol, or break it; respond to a colleague’s question sincerely or make believe; obey the speed laws or drive as fast as the car will go; pay the tuition fee or spend money on traveling; keep the marriage vows or break them.</p> <p><br><strong>Keywords:</strong> Ethicist, reasons, moral</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal in Humanities Clashing Softly: The US-Chinese Great Power Competition on a New Level 2024-06-14T10:40:51+04:00 Tato BEZHITASHVILI <p>The US-Chinese competition moved to a new strategic level. It is no longer sufficient to compare the economic or military capabilities to determine the winners and losers in the geopolitical contest. Soft power has been gaining increasing influence over foreign policy objectives, practices, and means of global actors. Without a good impression on an international level, the attainment of any tangible outcomes is unthinkable. The following paper underscores the role of ideas, values, and interests in foreign policymaking. It analyzes the soft power capabilities of both the US and China and compares them from the Social Constructivism perspective. The piece employs three major indicators of soft power, namely familiarity, reputation, and influence. It argues that despite the longstanding status of the US as a “shining city on a hill,” its reputation has been facing several crises. China, on the other hand, with its multidimensional expansion, emerges as an alternative for nations to align with a new multilateral actor. Yet, despite the regularly diminishing gap between China and the US, it is noteworthy that the former is still far from surpassing the soft power influence of the latter.<br><strong>Keywords:</strong> Soft Power, United States, China, foreign policy, Social Constructivism</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal in Humanities Upton Sinclair & Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Sailing in the Boat to the Same Direction 2024-06-13T11:00:12+04:00 Ezz-Eddin M. HUSSEIN <p>We are in front of two amazing novelists who dedicated their emotions and literary skills to noble causes. Upton Sinclair’s The<br>Jungle and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah drawn a landscaping space aiming at giving birth to a world free of injustice,<br>inferiorities, inequality, and unfairness. These two masterpieces helped to change many of the ugly faces of life to be much better to the people to live in integrity and equality.<br>The article highlighted the features and similarities between both Upton Sinclair and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. They share the<br>subject matters and themes in their writings. They have the same concerns as regards their communities’ agonies, pains,<br>shortcomings, deficiencies, dreams and hopes. Both were amazing as imaginative story tellers. They expressed thoroughly in their writings the ideas and thoughts aiming at achieving social reform and social justice as well.<br>Undoubtedly, the processing and the way handled by each other was different, but the objective is the same. The difference was<br>related to the environment and background of each of them. Upton Sinclar was one of the muckraking movements of the<br>progressive era, while Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie was one of the cross-border culture of the African background came from Nigeria expressing the multi cultures amalgamated with the local, regional, and international reality.<br><strong>Keywords:</strong> Sinclair, Adichie, The Jungle, Americanah</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal in Humanities Russian Emigration of the 20th Century – the Artistic World of Works 2024-06-14T11:02:49+04:00 Gulnara DIASAMIDZE Khatuna TABATADZE <p>The work of famous writers of the Russian emigration of the twentieth century has always found its devoted reader. The purpose of this article is to determine the integrity of the concept of their literary heritage. After some transformations, the creativity of word creators gained great popularity.<br>A writer’s artistic picture of the world is a complex phenomenon, the content and structure of which depend on a significant number of factors, among which there are objective (scientific ideas, historical and cultural situation, national traditions) and subjective (belonging to a subculture, individual experience, specificity of a creative personality). It is indisputable that any literary movement creates and transmits to subsequent generations a certain artistic picture of the world, which is reflected in the language of the era. The era of Russian modernism is no exception in this regard.<br>The poetics of writers' works has its own characteristics, its originality is noted in those stories and stories that are thoroughly permeated with emigrant experiences in connection with the loss of their homeland. And events that contain an artistic and aesthetic essence are relegated to the past. After all, it was they who remained in the memory of emigrant writers. Their creativity is perceived as a connection with the lost homeland, as the deepest moral value.<br><strong>Keywords:</strong> Cultural heritage, Orthodoxy, Russian Emigration, lost homeland</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal in Humanities