How Fashion Meets Traditions – On the Example of Italian Fashion in America -Thinking from a Cross-cultural Perspective
Throughout its overlong history, Italian fashion has influenced and cultivated relationships with many nations, with the United States holding a prominent position. The fashion industry in America has a past of evolution, with its complex system continuing to expand. As it is well-known in the USA there is a variety of ethnicities known as “melting-pot.” Italian Americans provide alternative views of ethnic experience, based on culture, sociology, design and fashion (Alba, 2023).
Italian fashion in America includes the elements of art, design, culture, sociology, and economics. There is a strong connection between modern and traditional styles which combine creative and critical thinking from a cross-cultural perspective. It unites cultural pluralism and local traditions with the industry's innovative and economic elements. Italian Americans rapidly joined majority of Americans, thus there was a strong connection between the two nationalities (Alba, 2023).
This paper aims to explore how Italian fashion integrated with American one. It examines the history of Italian fashion in America, using this dialogue to enhance discussions in higher education system. As well there will be discussed the aspects of ethnicity, similarities and cultural differences (Alba, 2023).
Keywords: America; Italy; Fashion; Tradition; Modernity; Cross-cultural perspective